I’ve decided to try to post a photo a day from the citysonnet prompt shown below.
Keep your fingers crossed that I can make it through the whole month.
Today the May photo of the day is a photo using the letter K. This may take some hunting….
Kite Fest on Padre Island, TX
Photos taken January 31, 2009
Thank you for visiting my site and a double thank you for honoring my copyright.
Ⓒ Donna B McNicol - All rights reserved
Oh! Look at that adorable clownfish kite! Soooo cute.
There we so many kites that day, it was hard to pick a photo.
I’ve never seen kites like those. Wow. Alana ramblinwitham
It was amazing – so many kites. I should have picked a couple but trying to stick to one photo. I had dozens to choose from.