12 thoughts on “Z – 2023 A to Z Blog Challenge

    1. I was but knew it was safe and I kept telling myself I’d gone faster on my motorcycle. LOL!

    1. Thank you – I missed your blog and have added it to my reader app. I will be checking out your posts this week!

    1. It went by so fast and at the end I was laughing my head off! Definitely exhilarating and way more fun than one I did in Belize which was a series of short zips between stations.

  1. Congrats on completing A to Z. I enjoyed your photos. I know a lot of people enjoy zip lines but I would be terrified.

  2. OMG! How did that feel, Donna? I lack the courage to go ziplining, or doing anything that needs me to be up there, at the mercy of the elements.

    1. It was truly terrifying and exhilarating. At the end, I would have done it again.

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